<!--Simply copy and paste just above </body></html> in your
<body><SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- Fireworks
Display <!-- This script and many more from --> <!-- http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com
if(!window.fireworks) fireworks=new Object();
if(!fireworks.createLayer) {
var ns4 = document.layers; var ie4 =
document.all; fireworks.objNo=0;
fireworks.getObjId = function(){return "fireworks_obj" +
fireworks.createLayer = function(theHtml) { var layerId =
document.write(ns4 ? "<LAYER
NAME='"+layerId+"'>"+theHtml+"</LAYER>" :
"<DIV id='"+layerId+"'
style='position:absolute'>"+theHtml+"</DIV>" );
var el = document.getElementById ?
document.getElementById(layerId) : document.all
? document.all[layerId]
if(ns4) el.style=el;
return el; } fireworks.fxLayer =
function(theHtml) { if(theHtml == null) return; this.el =
fireworks.createLayer(theHtml); } var proto =
proto.moveTo = function(x,y){this.el.style.left =
x;this.el.style.top=y;} proto.setBgColor = function(color) {
this.el.style.backgroundColor = color; }
proto.clip = function(x1,y1, x2,y2){
this.el.style.clip="rect("+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2+" "+x1+")";
} if(ns4){ proto.clip = function(x1,y1,
x2,y2){ this.el.style.clip.top
=y1;this.el.style.clip.left =x1; this.el.style.clip.bottom=y2;this.el.style.clip.right =x2; } proto.setBgColor=function(color)
{ this.el.bgColor = color; } } if(window.opera) proto.setBgColor
= function(color) { this.el.style.color = color==null?'transparent':color; }
if(window.innerWidth) { gX=function(){return
innerWidth;}; gY=function(){return
innerHeight;}; } else { gX=function(){return
document.body.clientWidth;}; gY=function(){return
document.body.clientHeight;}; } fireworks.fxLayer2 =
function(theHtml) { this.superC =
fireworks.fxLayer; this.superC(theHtml +
"C"); } fireworks.fxLayer2.prototype = new
fireworks.fxLayer; } fireworks.Spark = function(x,
y) { this.superC = fireworks.fxLayer; this.superC("*");
this.dx = Math.random() * 4 - 2; this.dy =
Math.random() * 4 - 2; this.ay = .09; this.x =
x; this.y = y; this.type =
0; } fireworks.Spark.prototype = new fireworks.fxLayer;
fireworks.Spark.prototype.fire0 = function() { var a =
Math.random() * 6.294; var s = Math.random() *
2; if(Math.random() >.6) s = 2; this.dx =
s*Math.sin(a); this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) -
2; } fireworks.Spark.prototype.fire1 = function() { var a =
Math.random() * 6.294; var s = Math.random() * 2; this.dx =
s*Math.sin(a); this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) -
2; } fireworks.Spark.prototype.fire2 = function() { var a =
Math.random() * 6.294; var s = 2; this.dx =
s*Math.sin(a); this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) -
2; } fireworks.Spark.prototype.fire3 = function() { var a =
Math.random() * 6.294; var s = a - Math.random(); this.dx =
s*Math.sin(a); this.dy = s*Math.cos(a) -
2; } fireworks.Spark.prototype.fire4 = function() { var a =
Math.random() * 6.294; var s = (Math.random() > 0.5) ? 2 :
1; if(s==1)this.setBgColor("#FFFFFF"); s -=
Math.random()/4; this.dx = s*Math.sin(a); this.dy =
s*Math.cos(a) - 2; } fireworks.Spark.prototype.fire = function(sx, sy, fw,
cl) { this.setBgColor(cl);
if(fw == 1) this.fire1(); else if(fw ==
2) this.fire2(); else if(fw ==
3) this.fire3(); else if(fw ==
4) this.fire4(); else this.fire0();
this.x = sx; this.y = sy; this.moveTo(sx,
sy); } fireworks.Spark.prototype.animate =
function(step) { this.dy += this.ay; this.x +=
this.dx; this.y += this.dy; this.moveTo(this.x,
this.y); } fireworks.Firework = function(numSparks) { window[
this.id = fireworks.getObjId() ] = this;
this.sparkle = new Array(); for(i=0 ; i<numSparks;
i++) { this.sparkle[i]=new fireworks.Spark(-10,
-10); this.sparkle[i].clip(0,0,3,3); this.sparkle[i].setBgColor("#00FF00"); } this.step
= 0; this.timerId = -1; this.x = 0; this.y =
0; this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; this.ay =
0.2; this.state = "Off"; } fireworks.Firework.prototype.explode =
function() { var fw = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
for(i=0 ; i<this.sparkle.length ;
i++) { this.sparkle[i].fire(this.x, this.y, fw,
this.color); this.sparkle[i].dx +=
this.dx; this.sparkle[i].dy +=
this.dy; } } fireworks.Firework.prototype.getMaxDy =
function() { var ydiff = gY() - 30; var
dy = 1; var dist = 0; var
ay =
this.ay; while(dist<ydiff) { dist +=
dy; dy+=ay; } return
-dy; } fireworks.Firework.prototype.animate =
function() { if(this.state=="Off") { var
colors = new Array("#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF", "#FFFF00", "#FFFFFF",
"#FF00FF"); this.color =
this.step = 0; this.x =
gX()/2; this.y = gY()-10; this.dy =
this.getMaxDy(); this.dx = Math.random()*-8 +
4; this.dy += Math.random()*3; for(i=0 ;
i<this.sparkle.length ;
i++) this.sparkle[i].moveTo(-10,-10); this.sparkle[0].setBgColor(this.color); this.state
= "Move"; } else
if(this.state=="Move") { this.x +=
this.dx; this.y += this.dy; this.dy +=
this.ay; this.sparkle[0].moveTo(this.x,this.y); if(this.dy
1) { this.state="Bang" this.explode(); } } else { if(this.step
> 40) this.state="Off";
for(i=0 ; i<this.sparkle.length ;
i++) this.sparkle[i].animate(this.step); } } fireworks.Firework.prototype.start
= function() { if(this.timerId ==
-1) { this.state = "Off"; this.timerId =
30); } } fireworks.Firework.prototype.stop =
function() { if(this.timerId !=
-1) { clearInterval(this.timerId); for(i=0
; i<this.sparkle.length ;
i++) this.sparkle[i].moveTo(-10,-10); this.timerId
= -1; this.step = 0; } } fireworks.DisplayStart =
function() { if(fireworks.DisplayLoad)fireworks.DisplayLoad(); Display1.start(); Display2.start(); Display3.start(); } Display1
= new fireworks.Firework(30); Display2 = new
fireworks.Firework(30); Display3 = new
fireworks.Firework(30); fireworks.DisplayLoad=window.onload; window.onload=fireworks.DisplayStart; //
--> </SCRIPT></body>